Lumbar Decompression
Lumbar Decompression in Southlake
A bony column of vertebral bones, stacked one on top of the other, surrounds and protects the spinal canal and nerves. Parts of the vertebrae can compress the spinal nerves as a result of trauma or arthritis, which can produce pain, numbness, or tingling in the legs or hips. A surgical treatment called lumbar decompression is used to release pressure from the compressed nerves in the lower spine (lumbar region). Patients with ruptured lumbar discs, spinal stenosis, spinal injuries, or spinal malignancies who have not seen enough pain reduction from conservative treatment are typical candidates.
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What to Expect
General anesthesia is used during lumbar decompression. Over your lower back, your surgeon makes an incision over the area. The muscle layers are dissected to reach the lamina. Special tools are used to remove the lamina (the bony arch of your vertebra) and trim the facet joints. Any bone spurs or disc debris that is pushing on the spinal nerve is removed by your surgeon. The incisions are closed and with absorbable sutures.
Lumbar decompression carries the same risks and problems as any spinal surgery, including the potential for infection, hemorrhage, cerebrospinal fluid leaking, bladder or bowel incontinence, paralysis, numbness, and discomfort.